Saturday, February 18, 2006

Liverpool Beer Festival

The Beer of the Festival (possibly)

I had a great afternoon at the Liverpool Beer Festival yesterday. A great setting in the crypt of the RC Cathedral and some excellent beer and food.

I got the train over at about 10am - the others went an hour earlier but I thought that was just too early. They wanted to see the model of the original plans for the cathedral at the Walker Art Gallery but when they got there it was not on display. Another good decision by MickeyMo! I met up with the two Steves, Ronan and John and we wandered up to the crypt taking in the bombed out church and the RC cathedral (where I made my last confession 27 years ago!).

John and Ronan had gone to queue up and we joined the queue about 11:45 (see pic)

The doors opened at 12:00 and we got in and grabbeda table by one of the windows. There was a fine selection of beers available with a commendable concentration of local brews from Liverpool, Prescot, Southport, Ellesmere Port and Rainford. Unfortunately, due to the uncertainty until quite late about whether the festival would go ahead there were no commemorative glasses this year but we did get vouchers for a half of a Cains brew and a half of Wapping Gold (another Liverpool brew).

The view from our table (right)

One thing certainly worth mentioning is the large pork pie on offer at the food table. I bought one at £2.50 and had it cut into five. I took it back to our table and it lasted about 5 seconds. It was closely followed by two more - a testament to their quality!

John ('the Mountain Goat')

The quality of the beers was excellent and I can recommend a few good uns. Top of the session for me were Natterjack from Southport and Drunken Duck from George Wright in Rainford (nr St Helens).

Ronan and Steve (2) deciding what to have next.

Steve (1) doing the same

I also met a mate I was at school with (junior and secondary) whom I see intermittently at Saints games. We had a good drunken natter.

Me and Phil Rignall (left)

While we were chatting one of the Mums from the RL club I coach at came over to introduce herself.

Phil and Cath (left)

Cath (right)

Steve 2 had the idea that eating Hula Hoops between beers would cleanse your palate. Hmmm ....

Discussions about the merits of Steve 2's beer.

Me, feeling very mellow after about 3 hours imbibing.

2 monks who seem to have wandered in by mistake.

John doing his Eric Morecambe impression.

Towards the end some fellas that the others had met last year brought some food over for us to try - there was a tremendous game terrine that one of them had made that didn't last very long.

The Providers of Quality Game Terrine. Meandering back to the Station

I'm glad in a way that the session only lasted 4 hours - any more and I would have regretted drinking so much but the time was enought to allow me to sample a good selection of brews, half of them local Merseyside beers. On to the station to get the train to St Helens where Saints were hosting Castleford in Super League XI. But that's for a different post.


Anonymous said...

I think people who go to beer festivals are weirdos who carry their belongings around in tatty carrier bags while they cling to their rambling tasting notes.

Additionally alcohol should be banned

MickeyMo said...

Thank you Mr Chronnell - you are now banned from attending the Preston Festival with us and will have to sit in the corner on your own. Hang on ... that's what you normally do.

Anonymous said...


Tickets are now in the Mountain Goats possesion, we've got one for Tim is that right?

We are planning to reciprocate with the purveyers of all things gamey. Bissy is doing a terine, I'm planning on doing summat... do you fancy doing your lamb thingy in a flask?

MickeyMo said...

I'll give it a go - have you got a suitable flask?
What should I get Tim to bring? Bread is probably his limit (bought, I should add)