As usual a 'bit' behind on this whirl of social events that makes up my life. The end of March saw the annual Preston Beer Festival held at St Walburge's Church Hall. This is one of my favourite festivals, not least because I can walk there and stagger back. I usually try to get to two sessions, on Thursday evening and Saturday afternoon but this year I was unable to make the Thursday due to childcare commitments. Mind, even if I had been able to go I would have hopped over to Wigan to the Beer Festival there which was inconveniently taking place over the same time period.
The Friday evening at Preston is notoriously busy, with it generally being 'one out one in' so I have avoided Fridays for the last few years. This year our representation was down on the usual with just me, Caroline and Tosspot Tim (pictured):

For some reason I was slightly disappointed with the Festival this year (and not solely due to the presence of Tim). This may have been because two or three of the interesting sounding beers (Bryson's Wammelors Wheat being one) which were in the programme were not available. That's not to say I didn't enjoy the afternoon - I certainly did.
My top beer of the Festival was Edinburgh Gold from Stewarts Brewe

After leaving the hall at about 6:30pm we made a trip to a newly opened pub, Bitter Suite situated where Strettles Bar used to be. It is run by the lady who used to run the New Britannia in town and had five or six guest ales on. The pub is not tied to any brewery but has links to Thwaites who seem to supply the German draught lagers (Warsteiner and Kaltenberg if I recall correctly). I can recommend the place and as a bonus it could not be more handily situated for a pre-gig drink if you are attending something at 53 Degrees at Preston University. The Levellers were playing the same night and although I was supposed to be going a mix up over tickets meant I didn't in the end. The next night Caroline and I went to see Stiff Little Fingers there so popped in for a couple of beers first. It was amusing to see the forty-something punks in their costumes. I was slightly disappointed (the buzz phrase for the weekend it seems) with SLF - I thought they were going through the motions a bit. This may have had something to do with a pint of beer being chucked at Jake Burns halfway through the first number (Tin Soldiers). He had a right paddy (if you'll pardon the pun) - I don't know what his beef was as most of it seemed to go over me as I was strategically positioned on the front barrier.

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