Thursday, September 21, 2006

Radio 2

I like Radio 2. Obviously not everything is to my taste (The Organist Entertains, anyone?) but it offers a wide selection of shows to cater for most music lovers. Country, Folk, Blues, Reggae, Rock'n'Roll, Showtunes - all have their own show and their documentaries are usually worth a listen.

I'm not a big fan of Wogan - listening to Sarah Kennedy then Wogan is like being subjected to the talking book version of the Daily Mail - but my partner likes him. This morning on the news bulletin on his show there was a report on last night's MOBO awards summarising the main winners. Immediately afterwards Wogan came on and said "What the hell have the MOBO awards got to do with Radio 2?". What an ingnorant bigot. Most of the music played on the radio could be loosely described as 'of black origin'. At least Stuart Maconie is on now.

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